Night two of couch surfing so far has been much different than night one.
Ed showed me around his part of the neighborhood, which is really what I was looking forward to. We went to a couple of his choice dive bars which were full of smoke, but very fun. I met some random people from all over Philly, and it was a great experience.
As promised, there should be a picture attached to this post which best represents the intimacy of last night.
Look for more tomorrow.
- Evan
Can't say I'm not a little disappointed at the appearance of a shirt on Laura come dawn, but exciting stuff none the less. Judy sounds like a very interesting character, although I'd like to hear more about her. Probably difficult to do on a blog, but if she's truly the founder of couch surfing or just has been doing it for a very long time, perhaps a mini-profile or at least a q&a type thing can be added later, I for one am curious about her first time rolling dubbies. I'd also like to add that I hope no free drinks or food were accepted from Ed when you went out on the town. Let us not forget the valuable lessons Syracuse's esteemed faculty has taught us when it comes to journalism integrity and ethics (Big East memorabilia not included)
Well anonymous, you should be happy to know that more likely than not I was topless the previous eve. What I'd like to know, though, which is more uncomfortable: sleeping two feet from a snoring, possibly topless stranger or having your picture taken by a stranger while you are snoring and possibly topless and later discovering it on the web? Evan is lucky I was wearing clothes at all.
Signed, the Infamous Laura
Hey Evan,
I'm going to have to ask you to remove my name from this post. At 22, it was funny to have discovered my photo and this story on the web. However, now its become something I have to explain to prospective employers, housemates, or anyone who happens to google search my name.
In general, it's bad form to photograph people while they sleep and particularly bad form to publish such photographs on the web with their full name without their express permission.
I don't have any problem with you keeping the story or the photo up, I just ask that you remove my last name.
I've had many amazing couchsurfers stay with me over the years and I hope that you've been able to have great couchsurfing experiences as well.
Best wishes,
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