It's 9:30 a.m. and I've been tossing and turning for an hour now, so I'm giving up hope of any more sleep. I woke up to the sun burning a hole through my head, a low ringing in my ears and the feeling that someone took a jackhammer to my skull.
I blame this almost exclusively on the 2 a.m. nightcap Ed excitedly suggested last night at yet another dive bar called Bob and Barbara's. They specialize in what's called the 'City-Wide Special." For three whole dollars one can purchase a 12 oz. Pabst Blue Ribbon and a shot of Jim Beam. It's one of those deals where you're still paying for it hours later in other ways.
On a side note, I witnessed a rock, paper, scissors tournament at a place fittingly called Dirty Franks. Apparently this is a city-wide tournament which starts every April. They keep real statistics, and the champion gets a $1,000 prize. Here's the website if you want to check it out.
Now to what you are all waiting for.
The couch.
It's actually a very nice couch and reasonably comfy (see picture). It's almost out of place in this room because it looks like something you might find in an upscale living room that's more for show than for actual living. Still, I'm two-for-two when it comes to sleeping in the bedroom, and if it's of interest to any of you, Ed's definitely sleeping shirtless.
It's a good thing it was comfy however, because there were little in the way of amenities. Ed passed out instantaneously after proudly proclaiming "So, I'm trashed," on the street moments before. After a quick scan of the room, I'm not finding any pillows or blankets, so I rolled my sweatshirt in a ball and was out just the same (again, thank you "City-Wide Special").
If time allows, today's mission might include a hunt for the best cheesesteak.
- Evan
Pabst and Jim Beam?!? Sounds like a deadly combination. The couch does look very nice, although I think having to use the sweatshirt as a pillow helps to even things out a bit.
Now with this "Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament", did they use the original rochambeau rules or were they playing the more modernized version. Here on the West Coast we like to keep with tradition, but I wouldn't be surprised if the more crass east coasters didn't know their history.
Good luck on the quest for the perfect cheesesteak. I have it on good authority that Dalessandro's in Roxborough makes a mean sandwich if that helps at all.
Well, Evan, I've seen your room at school and honestly your accomodations during the past two nights might just be a step up for you. Glad to hear that you are taking in all of the finest culture and nightlife that Philadelphia has to offer. I guess "haute cuisine" is not in the cards for you, but the cheesesteak sure sounds good.
So how old is this Ed dude and what does he do for a living? This might affect whether I want to envision him shirtless or not ...
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